Thursday, April 12, 2018

Hello All!  

Here's a short update on Nate.

He just passed his 7-month mark.  For the past three months, he has been serving in Las Delicias, a town on the outskirts of Rosario.  He has visited the downtown area of Rosario, and he said it is busy and big-city like, with people filling the streets, and buses everywhere.  But Las Delicias is very different.  Here, the people live in brick, cement, or metal-sheeted houses with dirt or cement floors, side by side, all packed in.

Argentina is moving into its fall and winter months, so the extremely hot and humid days and nights Nate suffered through are past now.  Nate is very happy about that!  He said it is raining a lot there right now.

Nate is training a new missionary named Elder Elingson.  Nate said he is a good kid and wants to work.  And they have been working hard.

Thanks so much for caring about Nate!

Love, Heidi

PS.  I found a few photos of Nate on his mission's Facebook page.

Nate is near the back, third from the left.